In 8 April 2016, MATE Desktop 1.14 has been released. Based on Ubuntu MATE website, this version brings some improvement, such as follows :
- Improved GTK+3 support across the entire MATE Desktop.
- Full GTK 3.20 support in all MATE themes.
- Client Side Decorated applications render correctly in all themes.
- Completely ported MATE System Monitor and Mozo to GTK+3 only.
- Touchpad configuration now supports edge and two-finger scrolling independently.
- Python extensions in Caja can now be managed separately.
- All three window focus modes are selectable.
- MATE Panel now has the ability to change icon sizes for menubar and menu items.
- MATE NetSpeed Applet has been merged into the MATE Applets package.
- MATE Terminal support VTE 2.91 API when built for GTK+3.
- Volume and Brightness OSD can now be enabled/disabled.
- Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!
Unfortunately, Ubuntu MATE 16.04 didn't bring MATE Desktop 1.14 because of release cycle issue. But thankfully, we can install MATE Desktop 1.14 on Ubuntu/Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) by using Linux Mint 18 official repository.
These are the steps :
1. Put Linux Mint 18 repository into your sources.list
sudo pluma /etc/apt/sources.list
add these address at the below of your sources.list :
deb sarah backport
2. Update your apt database
sudo apt-get update
3. Install the MATE desktop components
sudo apt-get install mate-applets mate-backgrounds mate-control-center mate-desktop mate-icon-theme mate-indicator-applet mate-media mate-menu mate-netbook mate-notification-daemon mate-panel mate-polkit mate-power-manager mate-screensaver mate-session-manager mate-settings-daemon mate-system-monitor mate-terminal mate-user-guide atril caja caja-extensions-common caja-gksu caja-open-terminal caja-sendto caja-wallpaper marco mate-utils mozo
4. And now, we have MATE 1.14 on Ubuntu / Ubuntu MATE 1.14 Xenial Xerus LTS.