There were a lot of music players on Linux. Some has been abandonded, some still survive until today.
In the early 2007, when I met Linux for the first time, I didn't know how to play my music collection. Ubuntu, Fedora and other major Linux distributions didn't support proprietary multimedia formats like mp3. At the time, I converted all my mp3s into ogg, in order to be able to be played on the default Linux media player.
Time passes, later I know that I have to install additional codecs. Also, there are a lot of media players I can use to play music and video. XMMS, Amarok, Rhythmbox and Audacious probably the most popular music player we all know. But among those apps, there is a player called Exaile Music Player.
Exaile is a music player originally designed to resemble Amarok 1.4 interface, but built on GTK. I never use the app frequently but I know that it delivers a very similar interface and experience to Amarok 1.4.
Happily, after a quite time in dormant status, Exaile has been developed again and you can try it on your newest Linux system. At the time I write this post, Exaile 4.1.2-beta1 has been released.
There is a PPA repository you can use to install the latest Exaile on your Ubuntu based system:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:exaile-devel/ppa
sudo apt install exaile
It is a beautiful, functional music player, based on GTK. If you're fond of Amarok 1.4 interface, this app would deliver nice functionality and experience, especially if you're running GTK based desktop. A lovely niche you have to try.