Beside the security promised by the technology, based on my experience, those portable packages are still far from mature, especially the speed.
Unfortunately, Ubuntu is pushing Snap as the default alternate package manager beside APT. There are basic apps now delivered as snap by default: Chromium and Firefox.
If you prefer APT, you could disable Snap permanently from your Ubuntu system. Here are the steps to get rid snap from your Ubuntu:
1. Uninstal snap
sudo apt-get purge snapd*
2. Disable snap in apt preferences
Use your favorite text editor:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
Put this line of codes:
Package: snapd
Pin: release a=*
Pin-Priority: -10
Save the file.
3. Update apt
sudo apt update
Now, everytime you try to install a package related or depends on snap, you will get an error. Alternatively, you have to use other DEB repository, such as PPA.
4. Re-enable snap
If you want to re-enable snap, simply delete the preference file:
sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
sudo apt update