SSH Tunneling is a tricky way to connect to internet network. Theoretically, SSH Tunneling is a mechanism to connect to internet network by "riding" other connection's band. In Windows, there are plenty applications and or tools to use SSH tunneling.
How about Linux desktop?
SSH itself is a tool from Linux world. Thus, SSH Tunneling of course easily can be done in ANY Linux distribution, without ANY third party applications. All you need is ssh command and a tiny tool called proxychains.
SSH tunneling commonly used to bypass regular connection to others' private connection, in order, for example, we could access blocked websites (youtube, porn site, etc). Another common purpose of SSH tunneling is to pursue better internet connection speed.
1. Open terminal and run following command :
ssh -D 12345 server's IP -p server_port
Example :
ssh -D 12345 andy@ -p 22
Once you're logged in into your server, don't close Terminal.
2. Install Proxychains
sudo apt-get install proxychains
3. Configure proxychains
sudo gedit /etc/proxychains.conf (use your favorite text editor)
Find the line :
socks4 9050
and change the port with our new port 12345 to be like this :
socks4 12345
Save the file and exit.
To use the proxy we've been made, we need to use proxychains in front of any command. Example :
sudo proxychains apt-get update
sudo proxychains apt-get install xxxx xxxx xxxx
Desktop Applications
For desktop applications like Google Chrome, you can edit the shortcut. Example :
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop
Find the line :
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --incognito
And add proxychains in front of executable command, to be like this :
Exec=proxychains /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --incognito
Save the file and exit.
GNOME and MATE Users
If you are using GNOME or MATE based Linux distributions, you could easily enable SSH Tunneling proxy in Network Setting. Enter this value :
Sock Host : localhost Port 12345
But still, if you need to use the proxy in command line interface, you still need to use proychains.