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Showing posts from March, 2012

How To Install Indicator-Applet In Gnome Classic in Ubuntu 11.10

Indicator-Applet-Complete in Gnome-Session-Fallback (Gnome Classic) in Ubuntu 11.10 [Click to enlarge] Too many people still deeply in love with GNOME 2 UI and still find the ways to bring that desktop back. One way to bring back GNOME 2 interface is by using GNOME Fallback that shipped with GNOME 3. In Ubuntu 11.10 we get GNOME 3.2 and we can install gnome-session-fallback from its repository. In previous post , I've posted how to make GNOME 3 looks like GNOME 2. Now, I want to share one completion stuff to make GNOME 3 (almost) same to GNOME 2. The stuff I meant is : Indicator Applet. Since Ubuntu 10.04, there are a amazing gnome applets called indicator-applet. In Ubuntu 11.04 and and later in Ubuntu 11.10, it appeared more amazing than before. But, the bad news is, it is not included as default in gnome-session-fallback package. So, if we install gnome-session-fallback, we won't get it and we will just get default applets from gnome-panel in gnome-session-fallba...

Linux Mint Debian Edition Review : How Fast and Stable Is Debian Desktop?

When I first came into Linux world, the first distro I tried is Kubuntu (I got it from my friend). In that moment, I was so impressed but later little upset by its policy to not includes multimedia codecs as default. Worst, I had no Internet connection and so I was absolutely blind. Because of my eager to explore “another operating system”, I chose to convert all my mp3 music collection into oggs. I happily worked hard to explore KDE 3.5x desktop but not long time later I was bored and rapidly sought another better distro and then I found Mandriva (version 2006 at that moment). With multimedia codecs included as default, and then I immediately thought “This is the one”. Day by day passed, I was enjoying worked with Mandriva Linux but then I found Ubuntu (version 6.06 LTS) and I suddenly I was so amazed by its GNOME desktop. I thought “What is it? It looks so different. It has no Windows taste.. It is awesome...” So my adventure with Ubuntu began and from that moment I have became ...

How To Install LibreOffice / in Slackware / Vector Linux

LibreOffice 3.5 running on Vector Linux 7 (Slackware based distro) [Click to enlarge] I've recently tried Vector Linux 7, a Slackware based Linux distro. It is stable, rock solid and modern. But, there is one missing thing in Slackware world : there is no native package for LibreOffice or office suite. And so, how to get it? We all know, LibreOffice / OOo has became mainstream office suite and has been used widely as ultimate office suite alternative to Microsoft Office. I cold say : There is no worry. There are some tools to get tgz Slackware package from another linux packages such as DEB and RPM. We could use rpm2tgz or deb2tgz. As an Ubuntu user, I of course choose deb2tgz. We could download it from HER E , and then install it by terminal : # installpkg *.tgz (as root). Then, there is very simple to install LibreOffice in Slackware. First, download DEB version from LibreOffice homepage, extract it. Enter to the extraction folder by terminal, and ...

Vector Linux 7 Standar Gold Review, a Slackware Based Distro

[Click to enlarge] For so long time, I've used Ubuntu as my main Linux desktop and almost never took another distros a try. Several years ago, I ever used a Slackware based distro called KateOS. Also, I'd tried another popular distros such as Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva, and PCLinuxOS. Strangely, I was so impressed by KateOS, a Slackware based distro. It is solid, and ultimately stable. And now, after has been tired by “a consolidation” with Unity and Gnome 3 issues, I want to take a rest with another distro and my mind suddenly reminds me about Slackware based distros. I then google to find the right distro and finally I found Vector Linux, a Slackware based distro. Go to the homepage , and I got its newest release : Vector Linux 7 Standar GOLD, based on newest Slackware release (13.37). This distro offers two edition : Standard and SOHO. Standard version is a single free full-featured installation CD, and SOHO is a non-free edition that we must purchase. SOHO off...

BlankOn 8 (Rote) Review

Menu Settings tidak muncul di sesi Fallback BlankOn Panel Membeku Konsumsi memori sangat hemat Manajemen partisi yang kurang praktis BlankOn Linux adalah distribusi karya anak bangsa yang telah mengalami beberapa kali perombakan. Dimulai dengan kelahirannya berbasis Fedora Core, lalu kemudian beralih ke Ubuntu mulai dari versi 2 hingga 7, dan terakhir, di versi development 8 (Rote), BlankOn Linux beralih ke Debian Unstable sebagai basis. Sebagai anak bangsa, saya merasa bangga dengan BlankOn Linux, walau terakhir saya memakai BlankOn Linux adalah versi 3 (Lontara) yang berbasis Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Setelah beberapa tahun tidak lagi memakai BlankOn sebagai desktop linux utama, saya tertarik untuk menguji coba versi development dari BlankOn Linux 8 (Rote) yang berbasis Debian Unstable (sid). Setelah mengunduh, menginstalasi dan menguji coba BlankOn Linux 8 Jahitan 4, berikut ini beberapa kesimpulan yang bisa saya catat : PLUS 1. Proses Instalasi Di atas mesin Intel Pentium...

How To Add Custom Command in File Properties In GNOME 3 / How To Change Default Preffered Application in GNOME 3

GNOME 3 has dropped its capability to add custom command as the default application to open specific file with specific formats. In Gnome 2, we could do this by select at the file right click > properties > Custom Command . But, in Gnome 3, this feature is dropped. And so, how to replace the default application to open specific file with our preferred favorite application. Example : we want to replace Ubuntu Software Center with Gdebi to open .deb files as default. The only way is : we must add our application manually, by editing application list file configuration named /etc/gnome/defaults.list or by creating a local mimetype list in our home folder named /home/ourname/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list . Both ways work, but the easier is by editing file /etc/gnome/defaults.list . To edit this file, just simply type in terminal : sudo gedit /etc/gnome/defaults.list . After opened, we will see long lines about default mimetypes with their default applications to open...

Unity Desktop Is Not That Bad

Unity 2D in Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome Session Fallback, combined with Unity Launcher (click to enlarge) Unity has brought Ubuntu to new “tragic” direction : it has made Ubuntu loses its popularity. Based on recent Distrowatch hits, Linux Mint has became the first, and then Ubuntu in the second. For many Ubuntu fans, this is probably a most tragic tragedy in Ubuntu history. But, if we want to honestly make a confession, Linux Mint “win” is also ultimately Ubuntu “win” (Linux Mint is directly a non-official Ubuntu derivative). Alongside this dynamics, after much time enough exploration, I have to say a fact that : Unity is not that bad . In my opinion, Unity is just less efficient. We need to make more clicking to find and run an application. Example : to open Terminal, we have to click Dash > More Apps > Filter Results > Accessories > Terminal . But, for the look and feel, Unity is cute and awesome. Everybody loves Ubuntu Ambiance Theme, everybody loves Ubuntu look, and unity-...

How To Print With CMYK Color Profile In Linux (Ubuntu)

Without Internet Connection, driver download will be failed. But this is the trick to let the system uses Gutenprint driver :D Printer Canon PIXUS iP2700 was recognized and Gutenprint has already had the driver Configuration done ! Now, in printer properties, we will get (generic) CMYK color profile In digital media, there are two main color profile to arrange colored images/objects. First, RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color profile, used in monitors, and televisions. Also, RGB color profile is used in digital cameras to capture photos. And second, CMYK color profile, used in publishing industry to print medias (magazine, newspaper etc). What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Simply, as an end user view, we could say, printing medias with CMYK color profile, will result more bright, smooth, and real --as real as the reality. We could make comparison between printing medias in RGB and CMYK color profile, and we could see, printing medias in RGB color profile results more dark...