ada beberapa kasus,
dimana kalau sebuah komputer dg OS windows di dalamnya,
dan dengan beberapa akun yang semuanya terlindungi password,
Hardy Heron tidak mampu secara langsung meng-mount partisi NTFS yang ada.
Sederhana sebenarnya.
Pertama, jalankan LiveCD Hardy Heron.
Kedua, setelah masuk, buka menu Places.
Di situ, semua partisi NTFS yang ada akan terbaca,
tetapi ketika kita coba masuk akan ada pesan error.
Nah, jangan buru2 anda menutup pesan error tersebut.
Baca dulu partisi yang kita baca berada di mana. (misal : /dev/sda1 atau /dev/sdb2 dan lainnya)
Setelah tahu,
buka terminal.
Buatlah direktori untuk meng-mount partisi NTFS yang kita inginkan.
Perintahnya (misal) sudo mkdir /media/windowsku
Lalu mountlah partisi windows yang kita ingini,
dg menggunakan aplikasi ntfs-3g
Perintahnya sudo ntfs-3g mount -t /dev/sda1 /media/windowsku -o force
Setelah itu, tunggulah,
dan partisi NTFS siap anda baca dan tulisi.
Salam Linux>
Distro hopping is a fun adventure. It's a pure joy you can only find in GNU/Linux world. It's a nature you want to escape from what I call 'comfort ecosystem'. You need to play, trying something new even for a few little differences. For a long time I've been using Ubuntu family as my daily driver. The main reason is probably just same as any other Ubuntu user: it's reliable. You can't go wrong with Ubuntu. It works almost in any device, even for the newest one. It is the ultimate Linux distro you can rely on. However, sometimes, you will feel bored. The temptation to flirt with other new distro is unbearable. There are a lot of hot new Linux distros waiting to try. A Real Hidden Gem I've known this distro for a quite long time. At first, it offered Trinity Desktop as the main desktop, which brings me the sweet memories about KDE3. It is simply fast, stable, almost without any issue, and it is based on Debian. I install it on my old machine and I love t...