I always think that Mplayer Linux is the best Video Player in the world. Its better than K-Lite Mega Codec Pack or GomPlayer on Windows platform. Its almost being a radically perfect Video Player. We can open and perfectly run any video format that exist and popular in the world, such as DVD MPEG, VCD MPEG, Flash FLV, Avi DivX, WMV, MP4, 3GP, RM, and many more video formats. The greatest (but simple) useful of Mplayer is Video Snapshot. We can perfectly shot the running video and save it as a PNG or JPG picture. Another great additional function of Mplayer is Mencoder. Its a video converter that using the Mplayer engines. For DVD, Mplayer is perfect! Mplayer fully support Titles selection, Chapters selection and Translation-Subtitles selection. For run normally, Mplayer need a package codec names w32codecs. We can download it | here | Without w32codecs, we just can play open source video formats like ogg vorbis video.
Then, the simple question is, where we can download Mplayer installer package? No reason to take worries about it. Mplayer is a very popular and powerful video player on Linux. But of course, we will not get Mplayer natively installed on many major distribution. Mplayer exist on any major distribution packages repositories. If we already connect to the internet, we just type this :
For Ubuntu/Debian :
# apt-get install mplayer
For Redhat/Fedora/CentOS :
# yum install mplayer
How about Linux distribution that bundled Mplayer in their distribution? Yes! Theres many distribution that using Mplayer as their Multimedia package. One new and being very popular distribution that using Mplayer is Linux Mint. A eyecandy linux-desktop that built from Ubuntu. Many other distributions with Mplayer are Zenwalk, VectorLinux, Kate, gOS 3, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS.
In the ending of these post I just want to say that I was extremely satisfied by Mplayer. I suggest anyone in whole world to try Mplayer, and of course, try Linux first !
Happy Linux-ing! ^_^