XFCE 14.4 has been released and brings some major changes and improvements. Unfortunately, it is too late for Debian user because Debian 10 (buster) has already been released with XFCE 14.2. Luckily, there is a simple way to install XFCE 14.4 on top of Debian 10 Buster. 1. Adding MX Linux Repository MX Linux is a new shining Linux and currently becomes number one distro in Distrowatch rank. MX Linux is built on Debian stable and uses XFCE as the desktop and its repository brings new XFCE 14.4. Add this following repo to your Debian's sources.list : deb [trusted=yes] http://mxrepo.com/mx/repo buster main non-free deb [trusted=yes] http://iso.mxrepo.com/antix/buster buster main 2. Installing Update your apt cache and upgrade your system : sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade 3. Testing Though it's not an official way, but I've been testing it on my Debian 10 installation, and I don't find any technical issue. XFCE 14.4 runs stable and fas
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