It's been quite a while since the last post I wrote in this blog. My daily life prevents me to write another stuff about Linux Desktop, and now I'm curious to take a look to the Ubuntu Kylin 19.04. Ubuntu is always be my favorite distro. It supports huge number of hardwares, it has probably the largest Linux software repository. It is also --the most important thing-- very easy to install, even for beginners. But for some couple of years, because of technical reason, I stopped to play around with the Ubuntu releases. I stood for KDE Neon and became my primary OS because of its simplicity and the look. Few days ago Ubuntu has released its newer version, Ubuntu 19.04 codenamed Disco Dingo. I'm yes impressed by the progress Ubuntu developer has made, especially the way they arrange the GNOME desktop to match the Ubuntu theme. But the most interesting flavor of this release is Ubuntu Kylin. It's an official Ubuntu flavor, designed for Chinese People with its own...
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