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Showing posts from January, 2016

Disable Partial / All Cron in WHM/Cpanel Server (Except Root)

Cronjobs is somewhat a massive activity and could affect the overall server performance. And so, as administrator, we need to disable some user's cronjobs to relieve the server load. There is a tricky but simple way to disable partial cronjob in WHM/Cpanel based server. Here are the very simple steps : 1. Create a directory /var/spool/cron.disabled # mkdir /var/spool/cron.disabled 2. Move the cronjobs you want to be disabled # mv /var/spool/cron/username /var/spool/cron.disabled 3. Restart http/apache server to take effect # /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Install Latest Flashplayer Plugin For Mozilla Firefox in Linux

The latest version of adobe flashplayer plugin for Linux is now maintained by Google under a new name called "Pepper Flashplugin". This plugin is built as default in Google's official browser Google Chrome. For Mozilla Firefox user, for now Pepper Flashplugin is officially supported in Ubuntu repository. The steps is very simple as follows : 1. Install Google Chrome You need to have Google Chrome installed. If you don't have it, the installer will automatically download Google Chrome in order to extract the flashplayer. 2. Update your apt Make sure your apt cache is updated by executing command : sudo apt-get update 3. Install the package Install the package : sudo apt-get install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash Ubuntu 15.04 Bellow (14.04, 12.04) For Ubuntu 15.04 and older, please follow the tutorial HERE .

How To Install Lates Adobe Flashplayer For Mozilla Firefox in Ubuntu 14.04 / 12.04

Mozilla Firefox is a great web browser, but sadly, Mozilla is no longer interested to support Adobe Flashplugin in Linux. With latest official version of Adobe Flashplayer stuck in 11.2, Adobe Flashplugin in Linux is officialy dead. But there is a new hope! Thanks to Google. They've been made a new flashplugin and bundled with their official web browser Google Chrome called Pepper Flashplugin. And surprisingly, this new flashplugin can be integrated into Mozilla Firefox. ( Yipee! ). Here are the steps : 1. Install Google Chrome First, you MUST install Google Chrome. This is the most important step. You can download from its website. 2. Add this ppa : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 3. Update your apt : sudo apt-get update 4. Install this package : sudo apt-get install freshplayerplugin 5. Now, you have the latest adobe flashplugin in your beloved Mozilla Firefox.  

How To Copy / Transfer Music To A Windows Phone From Linux OS

If you are a Linux user, it's not as easy as Android, if you want to put music collection into a Windows Phone. In Android, you could easily grab, copy and paste your mp3 files into your devices. In Windows phone, that doesn't work.  Windows phone is designed for Microsoft Windows OS. If you want to put music files into your devices, you have to sync your mp3 files in your computer using Windows Media Player.  So, how to sync music files into Windows Phone from Linux OS? Apparently, there is a way, and quite simple. Here are the steps : 1. You must edit your mp3 metadata (id3) using music metadata editor. I recommend Easytag. Complete the metadata, especially the artist, music tittle, and music album. 2. Create a folder structure Artist/Album. Example : Mariah Carey/Greatest Hits. 3. Put your mp3 files into the Album folder. 4. Plug in your Windows Phone. 5. Copy and paste the Folder we've been created in step 2 into the Windows Phone's Musi...