Change the amout of image file size we want to generate PCmanFM shows the thumbnails for all images Since GNOME went to version 3 (which is a disaster), LXDE is now one of the most popular and most used desktop environmen ts in Linux, alongside MATE and XFCE. It is good looking, modern and amazingly fast. But don't you aware? That PCmanFM, the default File Manager for LXDE, ain't able to show all of our images/pictures/photos thumbnail. At the first time I realized this, I was lil bit confused. Why, and what happened ? Was this a bug ? Apparently, this is not a bug. It is the default setting of PCmanF m for the sake of speed. This file manager won't show thumbnails for images/pictures with file size more than 2 MB. So, to make PCmanFM able to show thumbnail for images with size more than 2 MB, we have to set it. To do that, just go to menu Edit > Preferences > Display, and at the bottom, change the value of "Do not generate thumbnails ...
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