Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal has been released. It brings some improvements, especially in UI design. But for those who still have old machines like Pentium IV with an old Nvidia graphic card, they might be upset (like me). Just like Ubuntu 12.04 at the early release, nvidia-173 graphic driver is also uninstallable on Ubuntu 12.10. I don’t know exactly about it, seems a technical bug in Ubuntu’s Debian packaging. But, don’t worry. After exploration, I’ve finally found that installing nvidia-173 onto Ubuntu 12.10 is quite easy to do. Let’s rock, here are the steps : 1. First, install the libc6-dev package sudo apt-get instal libc6-dev 2. Create a new additional repository address of the Ubuntu Precise address sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/precise.list And add this address : deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main restricted universe multiverse Save the file 3. Create two pin addresses to specify a version of a Debian package sudo /etc/apt...
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