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Showing posts from May, 2012

How To Install MATE Desktop Environment on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and How To Use Ubuntu Ambiance Theme on MATE Desktop Environment

MATE Desktop Environment 1.2.2 On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS [click to enlarge] MATE Desktop Environment has been growing popular. In the earlier version, I found that this Gnome 2 Fork was messy, absoulutely unstable and wasn't ready yet for everyday computing. So do in the 1.2 version for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot, I found this DE was still unstable, especially if I used Ubuntu Ambiance theme, the desktop will be crashed (panel lost etc). I almost gave this DE up until I got a suprise when I took an experiment with MATE 1.2.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. This Destkop is amazingly quite stable and ready to use for now. Even, we can use Ubuntu Ambiance theme with no problem. But, to be known, we can't just use official Ubuntu Ambiance theme for MATE. If we use official Ubuntu Ambiance Theme, the panel will look incomplete and messy. Hapilly, there is a project to provides a customized version of Ubuntu Ambiance Theme specialzed for XFCE and LXDE. I suddenly temembered that MATE an...

How To Install Mac OS X Lion Theme On Lubuntu / LXDE

Lubuntu 12.04 with Mac OS X Lion Theme, xcompmgr & cairo-dock [click to enlarge] Mac OS X is the special one in the Desktop market. So many people admire it because of its beauty, safety (yes, it is an UNIX) and its profesional image as “an OS for profesional modern art designer”. Yeah, Mac OS X has beautiful look and I do like its look-n-feel. And so, there are so many theme patcher to make our Microsoft Windows or Linux OS become Mac OS X in the appearance. In Linux Desktop, there are some project specialized in designing theme transformation pack to make our Linux desktop to be looked like Mac OS X. The most popular project probably is Mac4Lin. But, all of those projects was designed only for GNOME or sometimes support XFCE and how about LXDE? Our Star in the current lightweight Linux desktop? (Yes, LXDE is the most light-but-complete Linux desktop for now). Until now, there is no project that officially support LXDE. Basically, LXDE uses gtk (now still stay w...

What Is The Best Ubuntu Derivative ?

Kubuntu 12.04 LTS [click to enlarge| Lubuntu 12.04 LTS [click to enlarge| Ubuntu 12.04 LTS [click to enlarge| Xubuntu 12.04 LTS [click to enlarge| For several years, Ubuntu has became the most popular Linux distribution. This distro, with its controversies, offers us ultimate easy to use Linux desktop. But, time passed and everything changed, so does Ubuntu. Since 11.04, Ubuntu brings us Unity shell, and then so many people gave their personal opinion about this. Personally, for me, Unity is not as bad as people spoke about this. As its habit, Ubuntu offers us ease in all things. Of course, I still prefer to Gnome Session Fallback than Unity or Gnome Shell. If we really don't like Unity, or Gnome Shell, or Fallback mode, there are Ubuntu derivatives built with different Desktop Environtments with their specified target. So which is the best? UBUNTU Ubuntu is the main desktop. It uses GNOME with Unity Shell as a layer. However, Unity is an o...

How To Fix Inappropriate Faenza Icon Theme Distributor Logo / Start Here Logo In Gnome Session Fallback in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Ubuntu 12.04, GNOME Session Fallback, Faenza Icon Theme [click to enlarge] Faenza Icon Theme is a very popular icon theme in Linux desktop. But, strangely, in Ubuntu 12.04 GNOME Session Fallback mode, this theme doesn't work perfect. The distributor logo doesn't appear perfect if we use Faenza Dark (it just appears orange square Ubuntu logo, not white circle Ubuntu logo). So, how to fix this? After explored, I found that the start-here logo has been moved into apps directory not in places like before. So what we have to do? What we have to do is not simple but it worked good in my machine. Here are the steps : Go to /usr/share/icons with nautilus with administrator mode. We could do this by terminal : sudo nautilus /usr/share/icons Make file search by clicking search button, and search files named icon-theme.cache. When searching process done, remove 'em all. Install Faenza Icon Theme. We have to download the newer version specified for Preci...

Ubuntu 12.04 Review

No Dodge Window Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS has came. It is too late to make a review but it's okay. Better too late than nothing, right? So lets go to the point, what are new in this LTS relase. As my experience, Ubuntu 12.04 comes with some great and minus things : PAE kernel . This is  is a feature to allow (32-bit)  x86  processors to access a physical address space (including  random access memory  and memory mapped devices) larger than 4  gigabytes . For me, this new kernel surprisingly makes Ubuntu more responsive than ever. No more dodge window. Unity launcher, apparently has became popular launcher in Linux desktop. But, sadly, the best thing in this app, Dodge Window, is removed in the 12.04. If you used Ubuntu 11.04 and Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity, you will aware this. Dodge window is a cool feature that will hide itself when an app window is being maximized and will appears automaticaly when app window then being unmaxim...

Download, Install and Play Yoda Soccer on Debian / Ubuntu Linux

Today, there are so many games that support Linux natively. Even, there are some high quality and high level 3D games now come to Linux world. But, is there any native Soccer (Football) game in Linux? I could say : not much yet! One of the today existed Soccer game in Linux is named Yoda Soccer . A cute and interactive soccer game for Linux :) As usual, as an Ubuntu user, I packed the game into a debian package so I could install it easily in the future with ease. Here is the debian package you can download and install :